
Seawall Repair

Seawall repair is always an attractive option when faced with a moving or failing seawall. Why spend the extra dollars for a new seawall when you can repair the one you already have? Once you see an area of your seawall starting to fail, its time to get it repaired, never put this off as it will only cost you more in the long run. This is a critical time for your wall, once damage is visible there tends to be a very small window of time for seawall repair. If you let it go for too long you will be on the market for a new section of wall or complete new wall.

One of the most common problems with steel seawalls in Michigan is improper drainage. Ice gets behind the wall and pushes it towards the water, breaking tiebacks and quickly turning your seawall into a failing wall. There is hope if you tackle the problem as soon as you notice it. If this happens to your wall, request a seawall pull back procedure from us or your local marine construction expert. During this procedure we dig behind the existing steel seawall, apply landward pressure with an excavator, install new threaded rod tie backs to i-beam anchors, and create proper drainage. After completion your wall will be straight and more durable than ever. Seawall repair satisfaction guaranteed!

One Response to “Seawall Repair”

  1. Florence Allen says:

    We have a situation that needs immediate attention. Water is on both sides of the seawall as you described. Please advise.

    Flo Allen
    8537 E. Houghton Lake Drive
    Houghton Lake, Michigan 48629

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