
Pond in Brighton, Mi. gets a new steel seawall

It’s common for Michigan’s spring season to bring swells of
rain storms.   Although that’s good news for crop owners, it can be very bad news
for the seawall owner that lacks a proper drainage set up for their seawall. Seaside
Seawalls has helped many seawall owners repair their wall from drainage
issues that had not been addressed during the original placement of the
seawall. Drainage is one of the most important parts of a quality seawall. This
step is sometimes compromised by a contractor who is trying to underbid another
to get the job. But be assured, Seaside Seawall will never compromise any steps
during installation. We take pride in installing only the highest quality and superior seawalls.

Most recently, we got a call from a Brighton, MI homeowner whose
existing boulder seawall had collapsed.
Our inspection of the problem revealed that the earth supporting the boulders
weakened due to improper drainage installment and the absence of filter fabric.

We revamped the seawall by removing the boulders and replaced
it with a steel seawall with proper drainage. To ensure the new seawall will
have the appropriate drainage, we placed 3/8” weep holes every 6 lineal ft. and
used 8 ounce filter fabric backing behind it. The holes were then adhered with
4” perforated drainage pipe and set to run the entire length of wall and then elbowed
through. With this new system in place, the property owner can rest easy
because their seawall now has all the proper components to last for years to

Seaside Seawall guarantees our products and services to be
among the best in the business. Call us to discuss your needs with one of our
highly trained professionals. We will gladly provide you with a free estimate.

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